Book reviews from DennisHWestover

Texas, United States

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DennisHWestover's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

The Culture of Disbelief

by Stephen L. Carter

On Feb 23 2008, DennisHWestover said:
DennisHWestover rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
Carter developed an excellent treatise of the issues, and the political correctness climate of the day. He is surprisingly more conservative than I expected even though markedly reserved in some areas. I enjoyed his insights and opinions even though I do not totally agree with him. As a veteran of 23 years of law enforcement experience, an ordianed minister earning a Doctorate in Theology and Licensed Professional Christian Counselor, I appreciate his approach to the constitional challenges that present themselves to our society today. This has been a cery enjoyable learning process, one which has caused me to re-evaluate my own thinking and beliefs.