Book reviews from pacarita

Texas, United States

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pacarita's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

The Coachman Rat

by Wilson, David Henry

On Nov 16 2004, Pacarita said:
pacarita rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
An overlooked classic. Why, oh why, this book has not gotten the recognition it deserves, I have no idea. The imagination it took to create this world/story is second only to "Interview with a Vampire" or "Harry Potter." Wilson must have a delightfully demented mindset. If you like dark fantasy, this is a must-read book! The Coachman Rat begins a Cinderella story, but told from the rat's point of view. He's turned into a coachman one night and given the name Robert so a young scullery maid can attend a prince's ball in style. He was given just that one night as a man, but it was enough to convince him he must remain human. So, after the spell was broken, Robert went in search of the "godmother" to have her change him back. The book puts an interesting, realistic twist on the traditional Cinderella story. No sex or graphic blood and gore. A delight for fans of dark fantasy / fairy tale stories The ending is also appropriate considering the rat's stigma during the Middle Ages." Cinderella or no, NOT FOR KIDS!